Welcome to the Tyndall Assembly blog

This blog contains updates and news relating to the 2007 Tyndall Assembly concert series

About the Tyndall Assembly

The Tyndall Assembly will provide an opportunity for artist and composers from all backgrounds (independent, academic and organisations) to come together and present original works in a series of concerts to take place throughout the year.

Curated by artist, composer and performer Tristan Louth-Robins, the concerts will provide an opportunity for composers, performers and audiences to experience and participate in contemporary experimental arts.

The concerts will each focus on a particular experimental art aesthetic such as improvisation, installation and hybrid performance (i.e. music and dance.)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

[25.4.07] Call for works

The Tyndall Assembly will be back for another year with a season running from June to September.

In 2006, the Tyndall Assembly was a highly successful concert series held at Luke Altmann's Gallery Delacatessen, which gave local artists the opportunity to perform their works at a regular forum, where audiences were treated to a wide variety of experimental and electronic music. A total of nine concerts were staged between March to August, featuring performances by Hidden Village, Alex Mitchell, Christian Haines, Andrew Georg, Derek Pascoe, Patrick McCartney, The Glitch Collective and myself. Historic works by John Cage, Robert Ashley, Brian Eno and Alvin Lucier were also performed.

There is a call for new works by local Adelaide artists, composers and groups:

Please send a brief synopsis of your work, including a summary and any technical requirements for the performance (including what you can supply and any additional items you may need.) Please also specify a preference for when you wish to perform (see sidebar.)

Mail to: tristanlouthrobins@gmail.com
Please go to http://www.geocities.com/tyndallassembly to read more about the concert series.

** Please note that the Geocities site is temporary, as a new site will be launched soon.

Further updates on the 2007 concert series will posted here for the time being.