Welcome to the Tyndall Assembly blog

This blog contains updates and news relating to the 2007 Tyndall Assembly concert series

About the Tyndall Assembly

The Tyndall Assembly will provide an opportunity for artist and composers from all backgrounds (independent, academic and organisations) to come together and present original works in a series of concerts to take place throughout the year.

Curated by artist, composer and performer Tristan Louth-Robins, the concerts will provide an opportunity for composers, performers and audiences to experience and participate in contemporary experimental arts.

The concerts will each focus on a particular experimental art aesthetic such as improvisation, installation and hybrid performance (i.e. music and dance.)

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Tyndall Assembly Concert 3: wrap-up

The third Tyndall Assembly concert on Thursday 30th August was another catagorical success, with a sizable crowd and warm reception to filmic presentations by Poppi Doser and Milkcrate as well as a performance from Darren Curtis and Al Steven. I am awaiting a handful of photos from people who took images on the night, so once I get hold of them they'll be posted here and the concerts page on the Tyndall Assembly website will be updated. I did get some video footage of Darren and Al's performance captured on my laptop, you can watch it on YouTube here.

The final concert of the 2007 season will be held on Thursday 27th September with performances by Edward Kelly, Jason Sweeney/myself and a special performance of Alvin Lucier's I am sitting in a room.

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