Welcome to the Tyndall Assembly blog

This blog contains updates and news relating to the 2007 Tyndall Assembly concert series

About the Tyndall Assembly

The Tyndall Assembly will provide an opportunity for artist and composers from all backgrounds (independent, academic and organisations) to come together and present original works in a series of concerts to take place throughout the year.

Curated by artist, composer and performer Tristan Louth-Robins, the concerts will provide an opportunity for composers, performers and audiences to experience and participate in contemporary experimental arts.

The concerts will each focus on a particular experimental art aesthetic such as improvisation, installation and hybrid performance (i.e. music and dance.)

Friday, October 12, 2007

Tyndall Assembly Concert 4: Wrap up

The final Tyndall Assembly concert for 2007 wrapped up last night with great performances and a good audience. My interstate re-mix collaboration with Jason Sweeney was played over the PA as the crowd settled into their seats, then Edward Kelly provided some sonic manipulations with a combination of live modular synthesis and resonant objects. After a brief intermission, a spirited performance of Alvin Lucier's I am sitting in a room (1970) brought the evening to fitting close as the piece essentially paid homage to the space which has been home to the Tyndall Assembly over the past four months. Special thanks to audience member Johnno for his memorable reading of I am sitting in a room. Some images are posted below and some more can be found at the Tyndall Assembly website. Unfortunately the audio set-up which was recording the concerts proceedings malfunctioned and regretfully there are no recordings available for posting.

Edward Kelly performing live.

Audience member Johnno receives his instructions for performing Alvin Lucier's I am sitting in a room.

1 comment:

edward kelly said...

no audio :(

oh the tragedy, fine performances all around :)

love your work